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Matthew G Nielson

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U. S. Army


06/29/2011, AL KUT, IRAQ

In remembering Captain Nielsen the sentiment about him was unanimous. Here was a capable and caring human being who was “everything you would expect a Jefferson, Iowa, kid to be.”

The Rev. Stephen Ude emphasized the importance of Nielson’s beliefs, “If we go back to the basis of his life, (it) was his faith.”

On July 27, 2011 in his guest book, Matthew’s Mother wrote: Thanks to anyone who has written on this site. It does my heart good to hear the kind words people write about my son. I will miss him until the day I die, but I know with a certainty that he is in a far better place than I am and that I will see him again. If you, Pearl, are reading this, I remember him talking about his dancing lessons and you.

I agree with you that he was one of the kindest human beings on the face of the earth. I too feel like he is not gone and will call any day. I am very thankful for his sacrifice and I know that he died doing what he felt was the right thing to do. I am also blessed beyond words to still have his seven siblings here on earth and that I am married to the most wonderful husband that any woman could ask for. God bless all of you that leave a message. Christine (Matt’s mom) Nielson, Jefferson, Iowa

The Patriot Guard Riders stood watch next to one another holding American flags as is their custom ringing the community center. Inside a variety of people paid tribute to this hero including Jason Gallardo Nielson’s troop commander who explained that the fallen soldier was the kind of man who would give anything for his friends.He was the most genuine, downright sweet guy. He was the officer we all wanted to be. Matthew was the best of all of us.” And in clsoing, Gallardo addressed the fallen soldier: “Matthew, you’re the type of man who makes us proud to do this service,” he said. “You will be missed.”

The faith of the Nielson family is expressed in their statement about their child and brother:

“Since Matt was a small boy he loved anything military, so he died doing what he loved best. Serving others was of the utmost importance to him and how he wanted to spend his life. He always gave his all, whatever he was doing. Matthew was a beloved son, brother, friend and Soldier. He’s already home, and we know we’ll be together again someday. Apart, but forever in our hearts. Psalms 11.”


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