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Joseph A Bauer

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U.S. Army



Hello. My name is Misty Bauer. I am the wife of Army SPC Joseph Andrew Bauer. I would LOVE to have one of the potraits for my memorial room I am doing to honor my love. Here is a little bio on my hero:

Joseph joined the Army October 2007 as an 88M. He went to basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky and AIT at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. I was lucky enough to attend both graduations. We got married right after AIT and then he was off to his first duty station at Fort Lewis WA assigned to 17th FA Charlie 5-3.

A year after arriving he was shipped off to his first deployment to Afghanistan in support of OEF. He left October 26 2009. On 24 July, 2010, while doing route clearance operations his vehicle struck an IED and Joe was killed instantly along with three other brave soldiers, SSG Conrad Mora, SGT Daniel Lim and SPC Andrew Hand.

With a door bell ring and in my doorway of our base housing, 2 military officers gave me the news that crushed my entire world. My husband was full of life. He was EXTREMELY smart and knew a little about everything. He could tell you the silliest and random facts, like how much a casino sign costs to light for a year, or during a baseball game he once told me who invented the baseball glove.

He loved Cincinnati Bengals football and our Cincinnati Reds. He was an avid runner, sometimes running 6 miles a day. He would take our dog and she would tire out way before him. He loved cheesecake and I once asked him why he loved me so much and his response “its because you always let me eat the last piece of cheesecake.”

He was a determined solider, excelled in EVERYTHING he did. He loved the military so much during his deployment he reenlisted for 6 more years. He was an amazing friend, husband and man. I cry as I write this thinking of his beautiful smile, laugh and sweet words. The picture I am enclosing to you has a funny story behind it. When I met Joe, he and I both had braces and ironically went to the same orthodontist. We have had several professional pictures taken during our marriage and he never showed his beautiful teeth. While he was home in March 2010 for our anniversary we got our pictures taken in his uniform and I told him if he showed his gorgeous smile I’d lay off the pictures for a while. And he did. We all know how much guys love posing for portraits but he made these beautiful for me and thats why I love this cropped photo of his face so much. I absolutely would adore one of these drawn portraits in honor of my soldier, my hero, my love.

Thank you so much and I think what you do is amazing.


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