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Jason M Swindle

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Cabot, AR, US

U.S. Army


09/20/2012, PANJWA`I, Afghanistan

Sam Swindle related thoughts of his younger brother: “He was just very fun to be around. It’s hard not to smile around him; it’s just hard not to love him.”

Sam Swindle expressed that SGT Swindle’s death doesn’t seem real, “I’m still pretty numb ya know but I have a very strong family, I thank God for my family, every day.”

SGT Swindle and his wife were expecting their second child who will be named Jason Junior. “They had the best father in the world, the best man I know, God, family, country that’s the order, that’s what he cared about he was proud to serve.” Tylor Banks, a friend since he and Jason were toddlers, said of his friend, “He was assertive, yet his heart was so big. People just enjoyed being around him so, it was an honor.”

This was SGT Swindle’s third overseas combat tour. This deployment was supposed to be a short one. Sam explained that Jason left about a month ago. He was expected to be home for Christmas. “He was very proud to serve; I know he went out fighting, fighting for us.”

SGT Swindle attended Cabot High School in Arkansas, and joined the Army in 2005. His family and friends describe him as a fun loving man. Jason was very patriotic and proud of the work he was doing in the Army. He was proud to be a soldier, a husband and a father.

This entry from SGT Swindle’s guest book poignantly expresses feelings and thoughts of the type of man Jason was: October 05, 2012

Sgt Swindle was the Squad Leader for our grandson, Robert Carpenter. We know without a doubt that Jason was a brave inspirational leader to all of his men, who now miss his guidance, but fight bravely on. Our hearts break for his wife and son, parents, grandparents, and brothers. We send out our thoughts and prayers and hope for healing from their grief. We cannot express enough our gratitude for his ultimate sacrifice to protect the way of life we all enjoy. God Bless his soul and the United States of America. Rest In Peace Jason! Marcia and Walter Carpenter


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