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Earl R Scott

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U. S. Army


11/08/2009, TIKRIT, IRAQ

CW2 Scott always set very high goals for himself and had an adventurous spirit. He enjoyed spending his time camping, fishing, surfing, kite surfing, and had a devout passion for flying. After selling his landscaping business, he enlisted and was accepted to the U.S. Army where he became a helicopter pilot working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation. He mentored many friends and neighbors and was an inspiration to everyone he met. He will be truly missed and will remain in the hearts of family, friends and the nation forever.

“(My son) loved the freedom of it (flying); being able to fly where he wanted to,” CW2 Scott’s father, Earl Scott Jr., said. “I know he was doing what he wanted to do and I know he was proud to serve his country.” Scott added that his son enjoyed the camaraderie and family atmosphere of the military and knew he’d get quality aviation training in the Army. He said his son was proud to serve his country, “even though he knew he was in harm’s way.”

“We have always been extremely proud,” Earl Scott Jr. said. “He will be deeply missed. He touched the lives of many people.”

These sentiments come from Sandra Lee Scott: I am a Gold Star Mother. My son CW2 Earl Raymond Scott III paid the Ultimate Sacrifice in Iraq on November 8, 2009. CW2 Scott was an Army Aviator, proud of his service to his country as are his mom and his dad. As a realtor, I hope to work with Military personnel and families that are seeking to find a home in our fabulous North Florida Jacksonville area, my home for over 25 years.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 2 Timothy 4:7


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