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Darren M Linde

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Adrienne Linde, the spouse of Sgt. 1st Class Darren M. Linde, who was killed in action with the North Dakota National Guard 818th Engineer Company, Dec. 3., has issued the following statement.

“Tragically, the love of my life, Sgt. 1st Class Darren Linde, passed away on Dec. 3, 2012, when a roadside bomb hit his vehicle. Our children, Celina, Kayla, Alexis and Eric, are all devastated by the loss of such an incredible husband and father. Though saddened and shocked, we are thankful to have wonderful memories and funny stories that will last a lifetime. I have always been Darren’s number one cheerleader and I am enormously proud of him for his sacrifice and service to our nation. Darren gave his life so that others could pass through safely.”

Linde, 41, of Devils Lake, N.D., and Spc. Tyler J. Orgaard, 20, of Bismarck, were killed in action while conducting route clearance operations in Afghanistan, Dec. 3, when an improvised explosive device struck their vehicle in southern Afghanistan.

Interview conducted before December 3rd, 2012:

Alexis Fleener, 18, writes songs for her dad, Darren Linde. “It’s one of the worst feelings, on the other hand it’s one of the best feelings, knowing he’s protecting everything we work for.” Darren is stationed in Afghanistan (his second tour of duty) for the Army National Guard. Darren was offered a job as instructor at the Regional Army Institute two years ago, and a part-time job became a full-time lifestyle. “It’s a commitment. He’s gone not just for deployment, but months of training before he’s deployed.” The family recently moved to Devil’s Lake, North Dakota from Sidney, Montana.

Military dads miss out on a lot – Darren wasn’t there for Alexis’ high school graduation in May of this year. Alexis moved to Illinois for college one week after graduating, and that made it a really tough time for mom Adrienne. Witnessing a milestone without one’s spouse is one of the hardest things to do. Adrienne still has a daughter and a son living nearby in Devil’s Lake. Another daughter lives in Fairview, Montana.

Darren’s family includes parents Dwight and Lana Linde of Williston, ND and Dennis and Debbie Buxbaum of Sidney; and siblings Amanda Buxbaum Skogen of Sidney and Darcy Conckergood of Helena, MT.

The family went on a Mexico cruise in February 2012. They took lots of family with them, making memories to help them get by while Darren would be away.

Always a singer, Alexis started putting videos on YouTube in her junior year. She sang country, then country-pop, and now does whatever she likes. She wanted people to hear not just the song, but hear the story. Her love for her dad and pride in his work sounds out in every note. You can see Alexis’ video at or at


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