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Chad W Lake

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U.S. Army


02/13/2005, BALAD, IRAQ

SGT Chad William Lake was raised in Ocala, FL. He graduated from North Marion High School. SGT Lake was blessed with a lot of heart, explained John Pilcher, Chad’s high school football coach. He was “one of those kids you have to have in there.”

In 1999 Chad enlisted in the Army. SGT Lake began his military service in an air-defense unit. He later transferred to the cavalry as a scout. His last deployment began January of 2005. SGT Lake saw service in Germany, Macedonia and Bosnia, and other places. SGT. Lake was one of three soldiers who ventured out in a Humvee in the early hours of a Sunday to investigate rocket fire bombarding their camp. In the sub zero temperatures their vehicle failed to negotiate a turn and overturned into an icy river. Other men from the platoon tried in vain to rescue the three.

The phone ringing during University of Florida games meant that Chad was calling. It was “typical Chad to call me when there was a football game going on,” according to Ken Lake, Chad’s father. “He was a very easygoing, lovable guy,” added Debbie Farr, Chad’s mother. “He was a wonderful son. We were very close. I’m very proud of him. He was a good kid. He loved his country and he loved his family.” SGT Lake’s family noted that Chad loved the Army and was a strong leader.

Two poignant comments talk about SGT Lake

April 18, 2011 I served with Chad from 200-2003. I can honestly say he was a good man to know and be around. He was laid back and calm. I was just days home from my 2nd deployment in 2004 to Iraq when I learned of his death. Thank you Chad for showing me how to remain calm under pressure and laugh at even the dumbest stuff. I miss you buddy. Timothy Roberts, Fort Lee, Virginia

On Sept. 21st, 2014 I will be running in the “Run for the Fallen” in Tampa Florida. SGT Chad W. Lake is the Soldier on my running bib. I will give it my all just like he gave his all. I thank you for your service and your sacrifice for this great country of ours. Mailissa Cavanaugh of Lutz, Florida


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