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Brandon E Maggart

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U.S. Army


03/16/2010, BASRAH, IRAQ

Sergeant Maggart was stationed in Ft. Lewis where he was serving his second tour in Iraq. He had attained the rank of E5 Sergeant and was a C-Ram Specialist, which is a position providing support for the Army’s Counter-Rocket and Mortar Contractor Manning Program.

The son of Teddy E. and Beth A. (Potter) Maggart he was born July 22, 1986 in Kirksville, Missouri. On April 24, 2006 in Kirksville, Missouri, Brandon was united in marriage to Teresa Cooper.

Brandon is survived by his wife, Teresa of Ft. Lewis, Washington; his son, Blake of the home; his parents Teddy and Beth Maggart of Kirksville, MO; his grandmother, Sandy Maggart of Brashear, MO; one brother, Joshua Johnson of Ft. Madison, IA; one sister and brother-in-law, Ashley and Jeremy Lloyd of Unionville, MO; his father-in-law, William Cooper and wife Linna of Wayland, MO; his mother-in-law, Gerry Kirchner and husband Michael of Wayland, MO as well as several aunts, uncles and cousins.

Brandon was a life-long resident of Kirksville, graduating from Kirksville R-III High School with the Class of 2005.

Sergeant Brandon Maggart – Husband, Father, Hero…that’s what the welcome home banner said that we were going to put up in just a few short weeks. We were so close to seeing him, holding him, and having him back home again. We had so many plans for Brandon’s leave… fishing, golfing, going to Blake’s first soccer game, going to the ocean, Seahawks & Mariners game, and of course eating at Outback…just a few of his favorite things to do…when not playing X-Box. Brandon enjoyed hunting and fishing and couldn’t wait to teach Blake. Brandon was a huge Mizzou and St. Louis Cardinals fan…no matter how good or bad the season. All who knew Brandon could see how much he had matured in just a few short years. I am so proud of the man he became and his love for his family. Brandon always put his family first when making any career or life decisions. He always made sure his family was taken care of.

While the thought of living without my best friend and husband is unbearable, it eases my pain to know that he is safe in the arms of the Lord living in us every day. We are left today with memories that make us laugh, cry, and smile, Brandon you are our Hero and you will not be forgotten. We Love You and Miss You. America lost a great soldier and heaven gained an angel.


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