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Andrew E. Topham

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12/14/2006, GROVETOWN, GA, U.S.A.

SGT Andrew Edmund Topham was the son of Edmund and Laura Topham, brother to Kristin and Denise, and father to Ashley, husband of Natalie. Andy grew up in Randolph, MA. As a boy, he was active with the Boy Scouts, and participated in karate, youth soccer and little league baseball.

Andy summered with his family on Martha’s Vineyard fishing for blues, digging for clams and quahogs, riding his bike and exploring at Felix Neck. Winters were spent on the ski slopes in New Hampshire. Andy was adventuresome, loved the outdoors and being with family and friends.

Andy graduated from Randolph High School in 1997. He was on the football and wrestling teams. In 1999 he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Andy went to boot camp at Fort Jackson, Columbia, SC. At Fort Gordon, GA he completed AIT. He was assigned to Fort Huachuca, AZ. as an Information Systems Operations-Analyst.

Andy’s daughter Ashley was born during his time at Fort Huachuca. Ashley brought true joy, unconditional love, and new purpose to SGT Topham’s life.

In November 2001, Andy was deployed to Afghanistan. He deployed to Iraq in January 2003. During Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan he was awarded the Bronze Star medal.

Upon his redeployment, SGT Topham transferred to Fort Gordon where he became an AIT instructor. He trained soldiers in signal technology, initially as a soldier and later, as a veteran and civilian.

He was quiet, enjoyed the company of others, quick to laugh with a smile that could light up the room. He was easy to love and is hard to live without. He is missed every day. He has left an indelible mark on many and his memory will continue on.


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